The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the spiraling humanitarian crisis have rattled the world with pain, sadness, confusion, fear, frustration, and an overwhelming concern for what's to come.
Mind Share Partners stands in solidarity with Ukraine. We've curated a list of trustworthy organizations that directly support the people of Ukraine and resources to support employee mental health.
I. Five Actions for Organizational Leaders
There are many employees impacted who may never speak up about it, but leadership and company support matter in times of crisis. Mind Share Partners 2021 Mental Health at Work Report found that employees who felt supported by their employers amid the pandemic, racial injustices, return to office, and/or with their mental health overall saw better mental health and engagement outcomes.
Don't rush to make a statement. Pause and educate yourself on the situation and truly understand how employees are impacted.
Set the tone. Reemphasize a commitment to employee wellbeing by modeling vulnerability. Share your experience, encourage employees to take time off or use wellness resources.
Ensure managers are trained to discuss sensitive topics with compassion, and that they have the power to grant flexibility and accommodations to those on their teams who need it (e.g. changing deadlines or approving time off).
Address the situation through a DEIB lens, from communications to the organizational support and resources provided.
Provide support and resources to internal ERGs (or affinity groups), peer listening programs, and mental health champions. (See section 4 below for resources on how to start and grow a mental health ERG).
II. Organizations to Donate to
Red Cross Ukraine - Together, we act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. All funds will help those in need, affected by armed conflict, blood collection, mobilization of volunteers and resources, and emergency activities.
The Come Back Alive Fund - Launched in 2014, Come Back Alive became the biggest organization providing support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Direct Relief - Currently, the number of Ukraine refugees in the country hovers around 105,000, according to the UNHCR. Since May of 2022, Direct Relief has provided the League for Mental Health with $3 million to fully fund a mental healthcare project they launched country-wide to help Ukrainian refugees who are living in Slovakia. The League currently has 112 Ukrainian refugees on staff as mental health specialists to help provide counseling, support groups, and other free psychosocial services to their fellow Ukrainians scattered throughout the country’s eight regions and the capital of Bratislava (for a total of nine teams).
Voices of Children - A Ukrainian organization offering psychosocial support to children affected by the tension in Ukraine since 2015.
Vostok - A Ukraine-based nonprofit that helps evacuees.
Funds for Ukraine's Armed Forces - The National Bank of Ukraine has decided to open a special fundraising account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Nova Ukraine - A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine and raising awareness about Ukraine in the United States as well as in the rest of the world.
Razom - Razom is providing critical medical supplies and amplifying the voices of Ukrainians.
Ukraine Humanitarian Assistance Account - The NBU has opened a current account for the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine for humanitarian purposes.
United Help Ukraine - A non-profit organization focused on providing medical supplies and humanitarian aid directly to Ukrainians defending themselves.
International Medical Corps - We deliver vital healthcare services and training that help devastated populations move from relief to self-reliance.
UN Refugee Agency - An international organization that's providing emergency assistance to families in Ukraine — providing aid such as cash assistance and opportunities for resettlement in the U.S.
III. Additional Reading & Resources
[Read] "Actions You Can Take Now To Support Employee Mental Health During The Russian-Ukrainian War," Forbes
[Read] "How to stop doomscrolling when tragedy strikes—and what you could focus on instead," CNBC Make It
[Read] "The Conflict in Ukraine Is Causing Some Workers Severe Anxiety; Employers Can Help," SHRM
[Read] "The Ukraine Crisis Has People Rattled. Here's How to Talk About Fear at Work," INC
[Read] "How The War In Ukraine Is Affecting Our ‘Work Health’ With 7 Prevention Tips," Forbes
[Download] "Key Frameworks for Success: Creating Mentally Healthy Workplaces and Programs" Toolkit. This free toolkit helps companies better understand how to proactively, comprehensively, and effectively support mental health at work. These frameworks are based upon our own work with clients across industries, regions, and sizes.
IV. Resources for ERGs
Mind Share Partners has created resources for internal mental health champions that lead mental health employee resource groups (ERGs) within their organizations.
[Resource] Virtual Community for Mental Health ERGs - A free Slack community and ongoing resources for leaders of mental health ERGs from over 330+ companies.
[Toolkit] "How to Create a Mental Health ERG" Mind Share Partners
[Article] "How to Form a Mental Health Employee Resource Group," Harvard Business Review
Mind Share Partners is a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit organization that is changing the culture of workplace mental health so that both employees and organizations can thrive. We host communities to support ERGs and professionals, build public awareness, and provide workplace training and strategic advising to leading companies.
This is the worst event that could ever happen in the twenty-first century, it is simply unthinkable that such a large-scale war could occur in Europe in peacetime, it is simply insane. Since the war in Ukraine began, I have not hesitated for a second to volunteer to help this country, and I always carry with me the our lady of guadalupe images, she protects me in such a difficult time for all of us, no matter how far I am from the war, but it still touched me. To my great happiness, the icon was a zimny, it saved me. I would like to wish the entire population of Ukraine strength and inspiration in the fight against this enemy,…