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Creating Mentally Healthy Cultures:

How to Get Started

First Steps For Executives, Managers, and People Leaders

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“Companies realized that the onus wasn’t just on an individual employee to navigate mental health... Companies are moving from a mode of individual responsibility for mental health to it becoming a collective priority.”

— Kelly Greenwood  |  Founder & CEO, Mind Share Partners

We developed this toolkit to help organizations start—and continue—creating lasting culture change, regardless of size or industry.

This guide is based on Mind Share Partners’ work with companies and nonprofits across industries, regions, and sizes. We’ve identified three foundational and research-backed first steps that any organization and its people can start with to normalize mental health and promote a mentally healthy workplace.

This toolkit will dive into three key actions:
Executive Leaders: Be an Ally
Managers: Start the Conversation
People Leaders: Measure Mental Health

You'll learn why these actions are important alongside best practices and sample strategies to implement them within your workplace.

Get the Guide


Mind Share Partners is proud to pioneer the workplace mental health movement through our movement-building program area. Our goal is to change the perception of workplace mental health from an individual employee’s responsibility to a collective priority, and for mental health to be fundamentally woven into the way we work.


Want to take action?
Need guidance?

Partner with us to create a customized strategy for your workplace that includes these foundational actions. 

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